Wednesday 12 September 2012

Research and Planning: Why Video's go Viral?

Video's go viral everyday with news about people eating cinnamon, someone falling off a table dancing or the next spoof music band, as well as the main attraction - music videos. The question is how and why do videos go from 3 views to 31,000,000 in a space of a few days. Is it due to the talk around school? Or a television programme that has shown a small section of footage on their programme, that has got audiences attention?

As Amy's Ghost are unsigned artists if their music videos went viral it wouldn't only increase publicity and audiences attention, but also could lead to major record compaines investing in the band, giving them a Record Label. Furthermore morning talk shows, radio stations such as Captial or Radio 1 would interview them, and maybe ask to perform there songs live to advertise to the public, to gain more of a status.

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