Wednesday 7 November 2012

Research and Planning for Ancillary: Amy's Ghost Art Work Process

After calibrating with the band and filming with them for our music video, we asked Amy Barton, the lead singer of Amy's Ghost, the process of their album artwork. As the discussion began we found out her creative process and ideas in order to create her vision of the album artwork.

Amy explained that the process begins after taking and finding the certain look for the front cover of their album. After selecting the final image for the album cover, she starts drawing and sketching patterns/designs on paper until she finds the inspiration for the cover. Once she decides on the correct sketches and patterns, she draws them onto the image and the album cover is complete. Below is the image of the album work of the single Lullaby, showing Amy's creativity on the artwork.

Lullaby Album Cover

Lady Hawake

Famous female lead singer, Lady Hawake, had the similar ideas like Amy's Ghost for her album concept. I chose Lady Hawake as her album work is very similar to Amy Ghost's album designs and concept. Compared to how Amy uses a still photograph, which then is drawn on with patterns, Lady Hawake's consist of watercolors of a photographed image, creating new identify for album artwork. Not only does she use watercolors but also a stencil pencil design, but selecting one colour to reflect on a certain feature of herself. Below we can see that for the stencil pencil design, she has chosen a blue to show her eyes, drawing consumers in.

Stencil Pencil Design

Water-color Design for Album Cover

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